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Up to 3.2 million jobs in Germany could be lost by 2030 – secure your future with further training

Your chance for a successful future!

Use AI to reposition yourself on the job market. Thanks to the training voucher, your further training with us is completely free.

online & face-to-face training

Grab your education voucher and get fit for tomorrow!

With the training voucher from the employment agency or job center, you can complete your further training at the AI Academy completely free of charge.

The funding covers all the costs of your training so that you can fully concentrate on your next career step.

Our courses offer you practical skills that are in high demand on the job market – whether digital marketing with AI, SEO optimization or AI-supported cybersecurity.

Wenn du schon einen Bildungsgutschein hast, dann schau doch mal bei den Schulungen vorbei!


Get your AI skills now!

In einer Welt, die sich durch technologische Innovationen rasant verändert, stehen viele traditionelle Jobs vor dem Aus. Besonders Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) stellt den Arbeitsmarkt komplett auf den Kopf. Viele Aufgaben, die früher von Menschen erledigt wurden – ob Datenverarbeitung oder Kundenbetreuung – werden zunehmend automatisiert.

Für Arbeitssuchende und alle, die sich beruflich unsicher fühlen, ist das aber kein Grund zur Panik! Im Gegenteil: Es bietet dir die Chance auf einen Neuanfang. Mit den richtigen KI-Skills kannst du dich neu positionieren und wertvolle Chancen in Zukunftsbranchen nutzen.

Labor Market 2.0

According to the PwC Global AI Jobs Barometer 2024, jobs that are heavily influenced by AI experience up to 5 times higher productivity increases compared to other jobs. Even better: The demand for AI professionals is growing 3.5 times faster than the job market average! Companies around the world are investing heavily in automation and digitization, which means that traditional jobs are disappearing but new, future-proof jobs are emerging


Jobs in production, administration and logistics, which are characterized by repetitive tasks, are particularly affected by automation. With further training in AI, you can secure your place in the job market of the future. Experts estimate that AI will influence around 7% of jobs by 2030. Those who retrain now will stay in the game and benefit in the long term.

fact check

Warum KI-Skills dein Karriere-Boost sind

46% of companies worldwide see a massive impact of AI on their performance.

Jobs involving AI skills bring up to 25% higher salaries.

Industries such as finance, healthcare and retail offer huge opportunities for well-trained professionals with AI.

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